Protecting Children From Mercury Exposure is Cost Effective

We have a big problem - widespread mercury pollution is contaminating our waters, our fish and poisoning our children. The environmental and health damages caused by mercury have been fairly well documented. Now, for the first time, we are learning more about the financial costs of mercury exposure.

The Treaty Database

The Treaty Database is comprehensive overview of the U.S. history of joining or ignoring multilateral treaties. It also contains a summary of US government treaty actions broken down by presidential administration dating back to 1893. Besides the Treaty Database there are additional links to the Treaty Database Factsheet, press release and research data for the report.

Mad Cow and the Agony of the Cattle and Beef Markets

Can a country have "less than two (BSE) cases per million (cattle) during each of the last four consecutive 12 month periods" and still be considered a "minimal risk country" for purposes of international trade and not put public health at risk? This paper takes a hard look at the subject, including how the USDA fits into the equation.  

Smart Produce Guide

Pesticide residue levels on produce vary depending on the type and how it is grown. This guide will help with choosing fruits and vegetables that have lower residues, avoiding other contaminates affecting produce and information on locally produced and organic foods. Both the long and short versions are included.