U.S. Food Aid Needs Major Reform

U.S. food aid programs are plagued by inefficiency and are not addressing the long-term causes of hunger and food insecurity in the developing world, according to a new report by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).

CAFTA's Impact on U.S. Ethanol Market

The U.S. ethanol industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Much of this growth in the Midwest has been financed and fueled by local investments, primarily from family farmers, who own collectively over half of the 84 ethanol plants. These plants provide risk mitigation and a preferred market for corn farmers, new jobs and income streams for rural communities.

CAFTA-NAFTA: Don't Be Fooled Again

The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) is modeled directly on NAFTA. The supporters of NAFTA's deregulation of national borders promised farmers they would "export their way to prosperity". After eleven years of NAFTA this line of thinking was exposed as a myth as farmers watched crop prices for major commodities decline, and now CAFTA would continue the same pattern.