Publication archives

Tara Ritter
This blog overviews the 2018 Winona County Energy Dialogue.
Winona Rural Dialogue
In our recent report Emissions Impossible: How big meat and dairy are heating up the planet, we teamed up with GRAIN to analyze the greenhouse gas footprints of the largest meat and dairy corporations, and debunked the idea that decreasing emissions intensity would, by itself, lead to an overall reduction in emissions.
Uprooted logo
Dr. Steve Suppan
On July 10, USDA announced a change to the decades old policy of releasing its monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) first to accredited media representatives and 90 minutes later to the public. In theory, the media interpret WASDE information to the benefit of their subscribers, including traders. But starting in August, the media will receive the WASDE report at the same time as everyone else, due to a policy change made with the analytic assistance of the Commodity Trading Futures Commission.
Grain Elevator
Download a PDF of the report and find links to the appendix, methodology, datasets and translations of the report at the bottom of the page.
Emissions Impossible
Shefali Sharma
The world's 35 largest meat and dairy corporations are egregiously under reporting their greenhouse gas emissions, and could become the planet's largest climate polluters within the next few decades. Our latest report with GRAIN shows that these agribusiness giants are claiming to reduce emissions, but instead are pursuing growth strategies that will drive unsustainable levels of consumption and emissions.
Emissions Impossible
Sharon Anglin Treat
IATP recently submitted comments on the U.S Department of Agriculture’s proposed GMO disclosure rule.
GMO Labeling
Sharon Anglin Treat
Dr. Steve Suppan
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) appreciates this opportunity to submit comments on the proposed rule, “National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard.” For more than 30 years, IATP has provided technical expertise and research in support of sustainable and economically viable family and small-scale farms, rural
Timothy Wise
The victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his Morena party in Sunday’s Mexican elections has stunned international observers.