Publication archives

Sophia Murphy
At a time of global pandemic, when we must maintain a physical distance from one another to reduce the spread of a deadly disease, closing the office might seem notional. It is not.
Voting in the 2020 election
An interview with Timothy A. Wise originally published in French on Tchak!
Farms in Massaca are irrigated by water from the reservoir
Dr. Steve Suppan
On October 15, by a 3-to-2 vote, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) approved a woefully inadequate final rule to prevent market manipulation and excessive speculation in physical commodity derivatives contracts.
Chickens in cages on a large farm
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy is pleased to announce Sophia Murphy as IATP’s new executive director. Sophia is a leader on global food security, international trade and corporate concentration, focused on the importance of food systems that support rural communities and the environment.
Sophia Murphy, ED teaser
Shiney Varghese
This World Food Day, as the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) celebrates its 75th anniversary, it is sobering to remember the several billions of our fellow human beings who suffer from some form of food insecurity.
Farmer selling carrots at a farmers' market.
On October 15, 2020, IATP's Dr. Steve Suppan participated in an interview with Cimpatico Studios. Dr. Suppan unpackeded key features of the 2020 Growing Climate Solutions Act, discussed the bill’s climate and economic goals, and provided analysis of the legislation’s ability to meet those goals through currently drafted provisions. 
Tara Ritter
Ben Lilliston
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) thanks the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for the opportunity to comment on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for Riverview’s proposed Waukon Dairy in Norman County.