Publication archives

Shiney Varghese
The Indian Farm Bills to force farmers to “get big or get out”?
Farmers protest in India 2020
Ben Lilliston
As the Biden-Harris transition team rapidly fills key cabinet positions and senior leadership, it also is setting priorities for the first 100 days. If the “Build Back Better” mantra is to become reality, particularly in advancing equitable solutions to the climate crisis, the transition team will have to think systemically — not just agency by agency.
Looking to the states on climate adaptation
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Last week, Brazil National Space Research Institute (INPE) reported the highest rate of deforestation in the Amazon since 2008. Between August 2019 and July 2020, 11,087 square kilometers were deforested in the Amazon under the Bolsonaro government. The latest figures come on top of rising deforestation rates in previous years.
EU Mercosur Flags
Shefali Sharma
Governments discussed the role of livestock production in connection to the climate crisis last week as part of the UNFCCC Climate Dialogues in lieu of the 26th Conference of Parties (COP) — the major climate conference where governments ne
dairy farm CAFO
Shefali Sharma
Download the full closing statement. 
Tara Ritter
Today, governments at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are discussing the role of carbon markets in international climate action. The “Article 6” 
Elusive Promises of the Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project
Climate mitigation projects in the agriculture sector, particularly those focused on storing carbon in soils, are increasingly being tied to carbon markets. But the impact of these initiatives is highly questionable.
Carbon Markets Brief Cover