Publication archives

Timothy Wise
It has now been nine months since I first asked staff at the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) for data on its beneficiaries and impacts for my background paper for the July 10 report, “Fa
Woman farmer in Niger
Sharon Anglin Treat
IATP submits evidence on trade bill to the House of Lords                          
Shefali Sharma
Two hundred and fifty civil society organizations across Europe, including IATP and other food and farm groups, sent a letter to the heads of the European Commission, Parliament and Council on September 30 to express their strong alarm at the current state of neg
Rows of crops
Ben Lilliston
One of the nation’s bedrock environmental protections is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and it’s particularly critical for rural communities.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Some 12 years ago, IATP contributed to a chapter of the first International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD). About 400 authors contributed to a global report and five regionally specific reports produced with the help of two rounds of peer reviews of drafts.
sprouting plant
Dr. Steve Suppan
An excerpt from the book "Transformation of our food systems — the making of a paradigm shift" by United Nations' World Agriculture Report (IAASTD) members.
IAASTD Book Cover
Timothy Wise
Originally published by Inter Press Service (IPSNews). 
Farmers in Africa hoeing a field
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
In the midst of the global pandemic and economic chaos, the trade talks happening on video screens in Kenya and the U.S. might seem like a low priority, something to turn to in that hoped for time when things return to “normal”.
wrong way sign