Publication archives

Mark Muller
One of the most exciting things about the upcoming Food + Justice = Democracy conference will be the incorporation of a Peoples Movement Assembly.
Mark Muller
We are in the midst of the worst U.S. drought since the 1950s, and some regions are to the point of the Dust Bowl-era 1930s. As expected, prices of corn, soybeans and wheat have increased significantly, causing a rise in food prices and putting a difficult squeeze on many livestock farmers.
Policymakers are AWOL on agricultural challenges
Food + Justice = Democracy is less than a month away! IATP is bringing together food justice leaders from across the country, from the grassroots to the grasstops, to raise up the food system narratives of communities of color and tribal nations.
Mark Muller
Farmers throughout the country are experiencing one of the worst droughts in 50 years. It’s times like these that federal farm policy is most appreciated.
 Farm policy and the American diet: What premium have we placed on public health?
This Saturday, August 18, marks IATP’s second annual Bike and Bite celebration, a day to eat, drink, bike and appreciate the dedication to local food that exists in our own Minneapolis community.
Dennis Keeney
In the first blog in this series, I discussed how drought has affected me. As I walked through a Central Iowa corn field near Ames this summer, I surveyed another corn crop destroyed by the heat and dry conditions, (see photo) I wondered if this farm could survive.
July was an important month for saving antibiotics, and a busy month for IATP’s Healthy Food Action. Here’s what’s happened.