Publication archives

Dr. Steve Suppan
George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Government of the United Kingdom Michel Barnier, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, European Commission Ikko Nataksuka, Minister of State for Financial Services, Government of Japan
Hundreds of studies to date, and ever-strengthening science, tie the spreading epidemic of resistant infections in humans to routine antibiotic use in food animals. This is a select summary of that science across several critical strands of evidence.
Sophia Murphy
I came away from the 39th session of UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) last Saturday tired but hopeful. In a world where many are skeptical of global institutions' ability to solve the world’s most challenging problems—not least of which, climate change—the CFS offers a new approach to global governance, and is getting results.
Shefali Sharma
Last week in Rome, the United Nations’ Committee on World Food Security (CFS) agreed on key principles on how governments must address the massive food security challenge that climate change brings.
According to a new report from Common Cause, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) reported spending $2.8 million on political advertising so far in the 2011-12 election cycle. Scores of candidates “fighting for jobs” and “cutting government regulation” were funded by the ACC.
Mark Muller
IATP has long recognized that many of the drivers of the destructive industrial food system are not based on a sound rationale, but instead on a series of corporate marketing myths. IATP Food and Community Fellow Raj Patel, for example, has recently been taking on the false assumptions that contributed to the Green Revolutio
Guest blogger Sarah Leavitt is the digital outreach manager of the Lambi Fund of Haiti.
On September 24–26, 2012, hundreds of food justice advocates gathered in Minneapolis for the Food + Justice = Democracy conference. One of the primary features of the conference was the use of a People’s Movement Assembly process to craft principles around food justice.