Publication archives

Nancy Brown - Right to Know MN Music by Synister Dane
Atina Diffley - Organic Farmer, Organic food activist, Author: "Turn Here Sweet Corn," Gardens of Eagan founder Music by Synister Dane
Some of the hardest cases of breast cancer to treat manifest in those under the age of 40. These women tend to have more aggressive cases and lower survival rates than older women.
Jim Kleinschmit
In all of the discussions and proposals associated with the current Farm Bill debate, climate change has gotten little official recognition (although we have pointed out that from IATP’s perspective, the singular focus on crop insurance is clear evidence that climate change is the primary concern of farmers and agriculture
Farm Bill ignores climate change—mostly
The Minnesota Green Chemistry Forum hosted a happy hour event on May 15, entitled The Business Case for Chemical Policy Reform. The group of fifty, over half from the business community, heard presentations about how sound chemical policies can benefit businesses and why business voices are needed in chemical policy debates.  
Dr. Steve Suppan
If you want to reduce crime, you have to make sure there are enough cops on the beat. Something similar can be said for market regulation. We can’t expect markets to work if we don’t invest resources into making sure government agencies have the right regulatory tools at their disposal and have adequate resources to effectively implement and enforce the rules.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Nanotechnology, a group of techniques for manufacturing and manipulating sub-molecular sized materials, is being applied to agriculture, food processing and food packaging. This webinar will discuss the effect of nanomaterials on soil health and the food chain.
Webinar: Agricultural nanotechnology and the future of food