Publication archives

Andrew Ranallo
As a new policy on the Think Forward blog, we are going to set aside an occasional post to welcome and introduce new staffers to our readers—welcoming them to the organization and highlighting the work they’re taking on in helping further our mission for fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems.
Jim Kleinschmit
Farmers and the insurance industry have one thing in common: they are both on the front lines of climate change. So far, the U.S. insurance industry has been slow to respond to climate induced risk and is well behind its European counterparts who are outspoken leaders for climate action.
Jim Harkness
Eight meatpacking industry groups recently sued to stop implementation of the popular Country of Origin Label (COOL) law (sup
Andrew Ranallo
As two of the largest free trade agreements (TTIP and TPP) in history are being negotiated, free trade agreements like these will become more e
Anna Claussen
Farmfest is the largest farm show in Minnesota, bringing farmers together to talk about and see the latest in tractors, seeds, and other farm-related equipment.
Why agricultural diversity matters to public health: The Marsden Farm study
Jim Harkness
Streamed live on Aug 8, 2013
Andrew Ranallo
Ask anyone who's been working on policy-change or advocacy efforts in any arena long enough and they’ll tell you: Change takes time. Except in very rare cases, big, noticeable shifts take years—often decades—of work by countless people, working on all levels and in different ways to achieve change. On one hand, this glacial pace makes sense.