WEBINAR: Water Financialization 101

On Wednesday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m., the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Blue Planet Project, Food & Water Watch and Transnational Institute hosted a webinar about water futures and financialization. 

Politics of Hope

March 21st, 2021

Open Labour is hosting an action-packed day of debates, workshops and guest speakers on Sunday, March 21.  With COVID-19, Brexit, climate change and the global rise of the far-right, politics feels quite bleak. Open Labour wants to create a "Politics of Hope": a new agenda within Labour taking on the immediate COVID-19 challenge and the long term challenges around climate change, automation, a broken electoral system, global inequality and more.

What does Biden's Environmental Agenda mean for Global Climate Governance?

March 18th, 2021

On March 18, the Social Environmental Platform from BRICS Policy Center of the Pontifical Catholic University, Brazil will host the webinar "What Biden's Environmental Agenda mean for Global Climate Governance?" in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and FASE, with support of Institute for Climate and Society (ICS).