Indian Farmer Uprising: A Tipping Point for International Agricultural Policy?

June 2nd, 2021

Join the Ethnographies of Empire Research Cluster at American University School of International Service for a public webinar on the international significance of the largest protest in recorded history. In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, climate change and state repression, Indian farmers contest corporate capture and demand fair prices and agrarian justice. Now what?
Program Associate for Climate and Rural Communities

Michael Happ is the program associate for climate and rural communities at IATP. 

The climate benefits of Canada’s dairy supply management program

This week U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai will meet with her counterparts from Canada and Mexico at the first U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement Free Trade Commission meeting, covering a range of issues from labor rights to softwood lumber to the very different ways our countries manage dairy supplies (or leave it to the whims of corporate-led markets).