Futurizing water prices: How, why and who may benefit?

Whether you are an industrial, agricultural, commercial or household user of water, here is a line that is very unlikely to appear on your next bill: “financial innovation management fee.” Nevertheless, like the claims to trade stocks from your phone without fees, the cost of “financial innovation” could be hidden in water bills. How could financial innovations — new financial products promising benefits for those who understand what they are and how to use them — affect those water bills?   

Public Hearing Maine's Statute of Limitations for PFAS

March 17th, 2021

On March 17, IATP's Senior Attorney Sharon Anglin Treat will present testimony in support of LD 363 and LD 627 (statute of limitations for PFAS) before the Maine Legislature.  For more information on the public hearing, please visit the Maine Legislature's website. A link will be available on the website for the public to watch in real time.

Calls for the Biden administration to prioritize our water infrastructure

Last week, IATP joined Food and Water Action and nearly 550 other national and regional organizations including Action Center on Race and The Economy, Center for Biological Diversity and Corporate Accountability in support of the Water Affordability, Transparency, Equity and Reliability (WATER) Act.

IATP joins allies to request a meeting of the FAO director-general with civil society and Indigenous Peoples' organizations

Yesterday, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) joined Pesticide Action Network International (PAN International), civil society and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations in sending a formal request to meet with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Director-General Qu Dongyu.

New EPA emissions data should guide Biden on agriculture and climate

“We must listen to science — and act,” reads President Joe Biden’s January 27 Executive Order on climate change. For the farming sector, the latest greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicates that the U.S. needs to transition away from factory farm systems of meat and dairy production to reduce rising agriculture emissions.