NAFTA Portal

IATP has curated this portal so that most interesting content is near the top, but if you're looking for a specific NAFTA topic, use the search bar. 

This portal is a work in progress, as we continue to rediscover material. It is very possible, especially with older online documents, that not all links work, but we haven't tested the tens of thousands that exist in the collection. Also, many of the old documents only existed in print before now. We have put PDFs online, but have yet to convert them to searchable text.



Since NAFTA negotiations began in 1990, IATP has been a leading voice in criticizing how the agreement has subverted local democracy and benefited corporate agribusiness over farmers, consumers, and communities in all three countries. 

When the NAFTA re-negotiation commenced, we assembled over 25 years of our research and analysis into this portal to serve as a resource for the Fair Trade movement to inform current advocacy and activism for a new NAFTA that works for people and the planet.

Collection type
Primary category