Appendix IV: ACCI/MICI Results in 2016

ACCI/MICI Results in 2016: Results gathered from various pilot parcels administered by participating local organizations where ACCI/MICI was applied to one-half of parcel and the other half left as control. Corn 30% increase in output per hectare, 6.59 a 8.66 toneladas por hectárea

Trump’s agricultural trade policy with China: trade-offs or trade disputes?

With the U.S. confirmation of the Secretary of Agriculture and the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) having taken place little more than a month ago, it may seem premature to write about the Trump administration’s agricultural trade policy. However, it appears that at least parts of this trade policy are occurring in trade-offs with China, outside traditional USTR and USDA channels.

Farm to Early Care Webinar Series Part Three: Teaching Staff Training

June 27th, 2017

Join us for part three of our four-part Farm to Early Care webinar series, designed to empower anyone working in an early care and education setting to purchase fresh locally-grown foods, incorporate food- and farming-themed lessons into the classroom, and engage parents and caregivers in Farm to Early Care activities. Farm to Early Care programs are good for kids, good for farmers and good for communities. Join us in June and July to learn more!

Farm to Head Start at Reach Up in St. Cloud, Minnesota

Child care providers and early care settings often have a variety of reasons for participating in Farm to Early Care activities. For Haley Anderson, Nutrition Services Coordinator at Reach Up Head Start in St. Cloud, developing personal relationships with local fruit and vegetable growers was a primary motivator.

Farm to Early Care Webinar Series Part One: Nutrition Staff Training

June 13th, 2017

Join us for part one of our four-part Farm to Early Care webinar series, designed to empower anyone working in an early care and education setting to purchase fresh locally-grown foods, incorporate food- and farming-themed lessons into the classroom, and engage parents and caregivers in Farm to Early Care activities. Farm to Early Care programs are good for kids, good for farmers and good for communities. Join us in June and July to learn more!

Who Wins and Who Loses from U.S. Dumping of Corn

Agricultural “dumping” – the practice of exporting commodities at prices below the cost of production -- can be devastating for farmers in importing countries, especially in low-income countries with little power to use trade rules to defend their markets. It is unfair competition for producers in other exporting countries. And by encouraging overproduction in the U.S., it traps U.S.