Uprooted Podcast

Uprooted is the podcast from IATP, hosted by Director of Development and Communications, Josh Wise. IATP's work touches many areas from the international to the local arenas, and Uprooted aims to put our work in understandable terms while connecting the dots to how what happens in the global arena is felt locally, and what localities can do to solve global problems. 

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August 14th, 2017

Peace Coffee Shop- Wonderland Park 3262 Minnehaha Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55406 RSVP today! Join IATP to get up to speed on the last 25 years of NAFTA and what to expect for food and farms as it is renegotiated.

Farm to Early Care Webinar Series

Farm to Early Care Webinar Series Blog

Our four-part Farm to Early Care webinar series is designed to empower anyone working in an early care and education setting to purchase fresh locally-grown foods, incorporate food- and farming-themed lessons into the classroom, and engage parents and caregivers in Farm to Early Care activities. Farm to Early Care programs are good for kids, good for farmers and good for communities. 

Trump's action plan with China puts global agribusiness first

Politicians and headline writers often tout new trade announcements as big wins for U.S. farmers and ranchers. Almost never do they declare plainly, and more accurately: this deal is a big win for global agribusiness! Conflating the interests of global agribusiness operating in multiple countries and U.S. farmers’ is a misleading spin that serves corporate interests over the rest of us.

NAFTA renegotiation objectives fall short for farmers and the planet

The release of the Trump administration’s objectives for renegotiating NAFTA confirm the suspicions of fair trade advocates that President Trump would break his promise to create trade deals that are in the public interest. The negotiating objectives, which failed to incorporate input from civil society organizations despite detailed and extensive proposals, continue the administration’s trend of putting multinational corporations’ narrow interests first by using the same blueprint that shaped the failed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Candidate Trump railed against the TPP: Trum

Comment on Importation, Interstate Movement, and Environmental Release of Certain Genetically Engineered Organisms

U.S. Department of Agriculture  June 19, 2017 Regulatory Analysis and Development, PPD APHIS Station 3A-03.8 4700 River Road, Unit 118 Riverdale, MN 20737-1238 Proposed Rule: Importation, Interstate Movement, and Environmental Release of Certain Genetically Engineered Organisms (Docket No. APHIS–2015–0057)1 (“Proposed Rule”)