World Trade Organization

Reinventing UNCTAD's Role

THE UNITED Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which has just wound up its 11th conference in Sao Paolo, Brazil, has completed four decades of its existence. It has undergone a metamorphosis since the 1990s and old UNCTAD veterans may find it difficult to recognise what remains.

House Offers Large Corporate Tax Break

Inviting a showdown with the Senate, the House of Representatives on Thursday passed a richly sweetened corporate-tax overhaul that contains $140 billion in tax cuts and a nearly $10 billion buyout of tobacco farmers. The bill passed 251-178, drawing support from 48 Democrats, many from tobacco-growing states.

U.N. Forum Delegates Cite Technology Gap

The technology gap between poor and rich countries remains a major barrier to easing world poverty, officials said at a U.N. forum on trade and development. Poor countries said they can't afford better technology when they are already struggling to fix crumbling roads, feed the hungry and vaccinate children.