World Trade Organization

India Wants WTO To Address Its Concerns

Armed with a broad political consensus on its World Trade Orangisation (WTO) strategy, the ruling coalition United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government has said it would press for incorporating the country's concerns in the proposed Framework to be taken up at the General Council meeting in Geneva next week.

WTO Compromise In Global Trade Talks Draws Mixed Reaction

Trading nations have given a mixed reception so far to a final attempt by the World Trade Organisation to broker a compromise in deadlocked global trade talks by the end of the month. As informal discussions continued in Geneva, WTO Director General Supachai Panitchpakdi reiterated Tuesday that the compromise text released Friday struck a balance between the 147 member states.

EU Welcomes WTO Proposal As Positive Step

The European Union says a proposed deal to rescue global trade talks is a "step in the right direction." Mediators at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) presented a draft last Friday (Jul. 16) for an agreement on steering the stalled Doha Development Round (DDR) negotiations towards a pact on reforming global trade.