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Armed with a broad political consensus on its World Trade Orangisation (WTO) strategy, the ruling coalition United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government has said it would press for incorporating the country's concerns in the proposed Framework to be taken up at the General Council meeting in Geneva next week.

"All political parties I met today are in concurrence on the line taken by the government. I appraised them of our concerns and state of current negotiations at WTO," Federal Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath said after meetings with political parties inlcuding the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party and UPA constituent Left Parties.

He said all political parties have a unanimous stand that the national interest be protected. They believe that India should continue with its engagement in the trade negotiations and ensure there was no compromise on protecting the livelihood and food security concerns of Indian farmers.

The crucial three-day General Council meeting is to begin on July 27 and Kamal Nath will head the Indian delegation.

A draft text of the Framework agreement was circulated on July 16 by the WTO Committee of agriculture which India has described as disappointing, wanting it to be improved substantially to reflect developing countries' concerns.Asia Pulse: