World Trade Organization

WTO Head Praises China, Says New Trade Round Still Far Off

CongressDaily In a speech at the National Press Club Thursday, World Trade Organization Director General Michael Moore praised China for embracing world trade, but he said the trade ministers of WTO members are nowhere near the consensus needed for a meeting to launch a new trade round. He also said he believes the Africa-Caribbean trade bill will pass Congress.

U.S. Leads Trade Boom

Associated Press / Naomi Koppel, Associated Press Writer GENEVA (AP) -- Buoyed by booming U.S. demand, international trade grew strongly at the end of last year, but many countries in Latin America and East Europe saw exports fall, the World Trade Organization said in its annual report released today.

China, Malaysia Sign WTO Deal

BEIJING (AP) -- China and Malaysia have signed an agreement on China's entry into the World Trade Organization, leaving just seven WTO members who have yet to approve China's bid to join the trade group. The agreement was signed Wednesday in Malaysia by China's trade minister, Shi Guangsheng, and his Malaysian counterpart, Rafidah Aziz, the state-run Xinhua News Agency said.

Jordan Joins World Trade Group

GENEVA (AP) -- Jordan on Tuesday officially became the 136th member of the World Trade Organization, giving the resource-barren Arab kingdom greater access to world markets. The middle eastern nation was accepted into the body which sets global trade rules, 30 days after the agreement with the WTO on Jordan's conditions for membership was ratified by the Jordanian parliament.