World Trade Organization

EU Says Wins Panel Against U.S. Anti-Dumping Act

BRUSSELS, March 31 (Reuters) - A World Trade Organisation (WTO) disputes panel has found that the U.S. Anti-Dumping Act of 1916 breaks global trade rules, the European Union said on Friday. The EU's executive Commission said in a statement it welcomed the panel's finding, which is due to be published by the WTO later on Friday.

EU, China Hold Trade Talks

Associated Press / Elaine Kurtenbach, Associated Press Writer BEIJING (AP) -- European Union and Chinese trade negotiators today held their most extensive talks in three days of bargaining over a market-opening deal that would speed China's long-sought entry to the World Trade Organization.

EU, China Open WTO Discussion

Associated Press / Elaine Kurtenback, Associated Press Writer BEIJING (AP) -- China's premier dived into talks Wednesday with the EU on Beijing's joining the World Trade Organization, while putting the U.S. on notice over renewed Taiwan tensions.