World Trade Organization

Bipartisan Proposal Aims for China Trade Compromise

LA Times / By NICK ANDERSON, Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON--Putting a stamp of bipartisanship on efforts to find compromise on China trade, a key House Republican versed in Asian affairs and a Democratic trade expert on Tuesday unveiled a joint proposal to answer concerns about human rights and other issues raised by a controversial trade normalization bill.

Republicans May Back China Watchdog Plan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top congressional Republicans said on Wednesday they were likely to accept legislation to monitor human rights in China, boosting prospects for passage of President Clinton's landmark trade pact with Beijing. "I prefer a clean bill but the reality is we need some more votes," House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer, Texas Republican, told reporters.

Brazil Silent on Canada""s WTO Sanctions Threat

BRASILIA, May 9 (Reuters) - Brazil's government declined immediate comment Tuesday over Canada's threat to impose trade restrictions on Brazilian imports worth up to C$4.9 billion ($3.3 billion) over seven years in a heated dispute on subsidies to jet makers. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said no comment would be made until senior officials had been briefed on the decision.