
Australia-U.S. Free Trade Deal Draws Mixed Response

Reuters | By Michelle Nichols | Feb. 9, 2004 CANBERRA, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Australia's free trade agreement with the United States drew a mixed response on Monday with the nation's sugar industry angry at being sacrificed for a deal that business groups praised as a boost to the country's economy.

U.S., Australia Sign Free-Trade Pact

Associated Press | By Matthew Daly | Feb. 9, 2004 WASHINGTON -- The United States and Australia reached a free-trade agreement Sunday that officials say will eliminate duties from more than 99 percent of American manufacturing exports to Australia.

Australia Sees Little Help from U.S. Pact

Reuters | By Michelle Nichols | Feb. 9, 2004 CANBERRA (Reuters) - A free trade agreement with the United States will bring little benefit to Australia, analysts and economists said on Monday after the deal failed to meet hopes on agriculture, although business groups welcomed it.

U.S., Australia Clinch ""Historic"" Trade Deal

Agence France Presse | By Stephen Collinson | Feb. 9, 2004 The United States and Australia Sunday unveiled a "historic" multibillion-dollar free trade pact after an Australian climbdown in a row over access to US sugar markets which almost scuppered a deal.

U.S.-Australia Free Trade Deal Opposed

Associated Press | By Mike Corder | Feb. 9, 2004 The ink was barely dry on a multibillion dollar U.S.-Australian free-trade deal Monday before opposition parties and farmers began condemning it, saying it was a sellout that ignored the interests of Australian agriculture.

Australia Pact a Win for U.S. Farm Interests

Los Angeles Times | By Evelyn Iritani | Feb. 9, 2004 Powerful U.S. agricultural interests won a big victory Sunday when the United States and Australia agreed to a watered-down trade accord that promises to boost U.S. exports but limits greater access for imports of Australian sugar, beef and dairy products.