
Over 10,000 People Support the Coalition for a Fair Agricultural Model

Coalition for a Fair Agricultural Model | March 3, 2004 Over 10,000 People Support the Coalition for a Fair Agricultural Model Launched a few months ago at the ministerial miniconference held in Montreal within the context of the WTO negotiations, the GO5 Coalition for a Fair Agricultural Model has reached the 10,000 member milestone... and it's still growing!

How Do You Solve The Problem That Is WTO?

BusinessWorld | By Benjamin G. Defensor | March 3, 2004 After the collapse of the World Trade Organization's Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancun, Mexico because of irreconcilable differences between their needs and problems, should there be a separate organization each for the developed and developing world?

Europe And US Warned Of Trade Dispute ""Impoverishment""

Lloyd's List | By Sandra Speares | March 3, 2004 AS TRADE disputes between the Europeaun Union and the US multiply "retaliatory imposition of trade sanctions tends to impoverish both," Richard Plender QC of 20 Essex Street has warned. "Multiplication of WTO proceedings on a retaliatory basis is not in the interest of the US or the European Community."

Trade Deal Worse Than Was Touted

The Australian | By Christine Wallace, Robert Lusetich, Roy Eccleston | March 4, 2004 THE free trade deal between Australia and the US gives Australian farmers fewer benefits than publicly claimed, according to a secret public service document.