
Thailand Expects to Sign FTA with Australia in May

Dow Jones | Feb. 25, 2004 BANGKOK -(Dow Jones)- Thailand expects to sign its comprehensive free trade agreement with Australia in May, as many key issues have been settled, the commerce ministry's Permanent Secretary, Karun Kittisataporn, said Wednesday. "Negotiations on many trade issues have been concluded. Now we just have a few things to sort out," Karun told reporters.

EU to Impose Sanctions on U.S. on Monday

Reuters | By Doug Palmer | Feb. 26, 2004 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - European Union Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said on Thursday the EU would slap a 5 percent duty on more than $4 billion worth of U.S. exports beginning on Monday because of Congress' failure to repeal tax breaks declared illegal by the World Trade Organization.

Are Multinationals All That Powerful?

BusinessWorld | By Benjamin G. Defensor | February 23, 2004 One of the favorite lines of the anti-globalization sector is that multinationals have become so big and powerful that a) they are even bigger than some states and b) they have amassed enough political power to dictate policy to some small nations.

It""s Back To The Dark Ages On Trade

Chicago Tribune | By Amity Shlaes | February 24, 2004 It is Feb. 24 2005, and President John Kerry and his economic team--Roger Altman and Alan Blinder from the U.S. Treasury and U.S. trade representative Clyde Prestowitz--are busy converting the U.S. into a protectionist fortress. - The North American Free Trade Agreement? Rewrite it to force Mexican wages upward.