
Supachai Backs Indian Farmer

World Trade Organisation director general Supachai Panitchpakdi has said that developed country members have to recognise the sensitivities of developing countries such as India in agriculture if the on-going WTO negotiations are to move forward.

WTO Likely To Spare Rice From Big Tariff Cuts

Much to the relief of the Japanese government and farmers, rice is expected to be excluded from a list of products to face substantial tariff reductions in the new round of World Trade Organization (WTO) agricultural product trade talks, which began Wednesday in Geneva.

Balancing Pros And Cons Of Trade Deal - The Americas - A Worldwide Special Report

TRADE policy is not usually thought of as a sexy headline grabber but the free trade agreement with the US made the front pages repeatedly. Trade Minister Mark Vaile described it as "the commercial equivalent of the ANZUS treaty", while US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick said it was "a unique agreement with one of America's greatest allies and friends".

Reinventing UNCTAD's Role

THE UNITED Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which has just wound up its 11th conference in Sao Paolo, Brazil, has completed four decades of its existence. It has undergone a metamorphosis since the 1990s and old UNCTAD veterans may find it difficult to recognise what remains.

UNCTAD XI Concludes With Adoption Of Sao Paulo Consensus' Part 1 of 2

SaO PAULO - Inspired by its founding vision - to help developing countries participate equitably in the world economy - the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) today closed its eleventh session, adopting the "The Spirit of Sao Paulo Declaration, which reaffirmed its commitment to the eradication of poverty and hunger, and to the achievement of fair and equitable multilat