
Food for Oil Kickbacks a Hot Topic

When Australian Prime Minister John Howard recently came to Washington to lobby for the U.S.-Australian free trade agreement, a key U.S. wheat leader called on Congress not to consider the U.S.-Australian pact until members figure out whether AWB Ltd., Australia's monopoly wheat exporter, engaged in kickbacks to the Saddam Hussein government under the U.N. Oil for Food Program.

Free Trade's Pressure Cooker

Children of NAFTA: Labor Wars on the US/Mexican Border David Bacon's Children of NAFTA: Labor Wars on the US/Mexican Border offers a wide view of labor issues on both sides of the US-Mexican border and a deep view of the plight of involved unions and individuals. It is likely to appeal to multiple audiences, including policymakers, academics, union leaders, and the general public.

BSE Breakthrough As Heartbeat Test Reveals First Symptoms

Scientists have developed a test that can pinpoint a BSE victim from the beat of his or her heart. The technique - which can also diagnose the condition in animals - offers doctors a way to protect blood banks from infected donations and could also provide farmers with a method for eradicating sick animals from their herds long before symptoms of mad cow disease develop.