
FTAA Agreement Hides Divisions on Agriculture, Trade Remedies

Inside US Trade / Vol. 19, No. 15 / By Martin Vaughan A plan by trade ministers to push ahead with negotiations on the Free Trade Area of the Americas glosses over major divisions on two of the most contentious issues, both of them focused on sensitive policies the U.S. has sought to leave out of the talks.

EU, U.S. Agree to End Banana Dispute

Reuters | By Adrian Croft BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union and the United States have agreed to end a long-running dispute over bananas which will lead to the lifting of $191 million of U.S. sanctions on European goods in July, the EU said on Wednesday.

Americas Ministers Set 2005 FTAA Deadline

Reuters / By Doug Palmer BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Western Hemisphere trade officials, after a week of intense negotiation, on Saturday set Jan. 1, 2005 as a target date for reaching an agreement to create the world's largest free trade zone stretching from Canada to Chile.

FTAA Talks Making Steady Progress, Negotiator Says

Reuters BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Trade officials from 34 western hemisphere countries are making steady progress in talks on a regional free trade pact and expect to make a weekend deadline, the chief U.S. negotiator said on Thursday.

Unfair Attacks on New Trade Talks

International Herald Tribune / Reginald Dale WASHINGTON Here we go again. Enemies of open markets are seeking to derail another set of trade negotiations intended to increase world prosperity, to the benefit of both rich and poor nations, at least partly on the grounds that multinational companies may also benefit.