
Don""t Compromise Health, Safety for NAFTA

Chicago Tribune | Op-Ed | August 6, 2001 | Sen. Richard J. Durbin, (D-Ill) I am responding to your recent editorial regarding Mexican trucks. I can specifically recall during the debate on NAFTA--which I voted for--asking whether such an agreement would require the United States to compromise any of our health or safety standards.

Walking the Trade Tightrope, Confidently

New York Times | August 5, 2001 | By RICHARD W. STEVENSON WASHINGTON - Robert B. Zoellick, the United States trade representative, is an optimistic guy. He needs to be, given the difficulties he faces in pushing the free-trade agenda of the Bush administration.

Cairns Group Sets Timetable for Export Subsidies Elimination

Inside US Trade | August 3, 2001 | Vol. 19, No. 31 The Cairns group of agricultural exporters last week proposed the elimination of all industrialized nations' agricultural export subsidies four years after the implementation of a new agriculture agreement, but left unsaid how long after the conclusion of negotiations the implementation date will be.

Lack of ""Fast Track"" Clout Dilutes Bush""s Trade Role

Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO) | August 2, 2001 | By Holger Jensen "Fast track" or "wrong track?" Lawmakers haven't even begun that argument before their summer recess, which leaves President Bush without the authority to negotiate new trade agreements unfettered by congressional oversight.

Bush Fails to Win Support on Hill for "Fast Track" Trade

New York Times | July 31, 2001 | By David Stout WASHINGTON - In a disappointment for President Bush, his Republican allies in the House today abandoned their attempts, at least for now, to give him broad authority to negotiate trade agreements around the world.