
Trade: Agricultural Limits Unmask Free Market Illusions

Inter Press Service | August 22, 2001 | By Mario Osava RIO DE JANEIRO - Brazilian economists, scoffing at recent calls for liberalization of agricultural markets in Europe, the United States and Japan, say that the failure of developed countries to open their doors to farm imports reveals a double standard of practicing protectionism at home and preaching free trade for others.

Severe Drought Imperils Poor of Central America

Disaster: More than 1 million rural residents face dire food shortages, illness as crops fail in Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Los Angeles Times | August 17, 2001 | By T. CHRISTIAN MILLER, TIMES STAFF WRITER

A Third World ""No"" to Liberal Trade

The International Herald Tribune | August 18, 2001 | Martin Khor GEVEVA - The World Trade Organization's fourth ministerial meeting is due to be held in Doha, Qatar in November. The brief period left before then will be crucial in determining the WTO's future.

Farm Bill Change May Help Curb Sprawl

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution | August 16, 2001 | By Bob Dart Washington -- A bipartisan group of lawmakers from the cities and suburbs wants the federal government to help farmers stay in business rather than sell their land to developers.

Curb on WTO Charity Reps

The Guardian (London) | August 14, 2001 | BY Charlotte Denny Mike Moore, the head of the World Trade Organisation, has told development lobby groups planning to attend its meeting in Qatar in November they will only be able to send one representative each.