
Bush Imposes Steel Tariffs Amid Worries About Reaction of Allies

New York Times | By DAVID E. SANGER and RICHARD W. STEVENSON | March 5, 2002 WASHINGTON, March 6 - In an effort to shore up the sagging American steel industry, the Bush administration announced today that it would impose tariffs of 8 percent to 30 percent on a broad range of steel products imported from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China and Europe.

EU Warns of ""Major Trade Conflict"" over US Steel Tariffs

Agence France Presse | by ROBERT MACPHERSON | March 5, 2002 The European Union warned Tuesday of retaliation and "a major trade conflict" if US President George W. Bush, under pressure from ailing US steelmakers, slaps tariffs and quotas on imported steel.

China to Ratifiy Biosafety Protocol

China Daily | by ZHANG YONG | March 5, 2002 China is to ratify an international convention on biosafety to further regulate the country's development and implementation of modern biotechnologies, according to the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).

Bush to Impose 8%-30% Steel Tariffs

Los Angeles Times | March 5, 2002 Trade: The move, while short of the 40% sought by the industry, is certain to draw opposition from U.S. allies. From Associated Press