
Brazil Says Subsidies Give Unfair Advantage

"Prices have tanked while production increased. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has projected average cash soybean prices this year of $4.30 per bushel, well below the cost of production, Wisner said." Des Moines Register | March 1, 2002 | By ANNE FITZGERALD, Des Moines Register Agribusiness Writer

Unsold Coffee Piles Up in Ivory Coast

Reuters | February 25, 2002 | by Anne Boher MAN, Ivory Coast - Unsold coffee is piling up in Ivory Coast's main growing region near the peak of the season as exporters await details of a promised subsidy scheme before buying, farmers and buyers said.

Number of U.S. Farms Declines in 2001

USDA | February 26, 2002 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is blaming a decline in the number of farms operating in the United States on adverse weather, lower commodity prices, and land competition.

Brazil Brings EU and U.S. Before WTO over Farm Subsidies

Agencia Efe | February 26, 2002 Brasilia - Brazil announced Tuesday that it would file complaints against the European Union and the United States before the World Trade Organization (WTO) for unfairly subsidizing their farmers. Agriculture Minister Marcus Vinicius Pratini de Moraes announced the decision at a news conference on the prospects for the upcoming harvest.

Insurers press for climate-change controls

LONDON - Having extracted government action on exposure to terrorist attacks, the insurance industry must now press politicians for climate-change controls, one of its leaders said this week.