
Senators to push for Alaska oil drilling this week

WASHINGTON - Arguing that the United States should not depend on Iraq as an oil supplier, Republican Sen. Frank Murkowski of Alaska said on Tuesday he will offer this week an amendment to a broad energy bill to allow drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

Opportunity Lost on Aid?

In the three years of planning for the United Nations conference on development held last month in Monterrey, Mexico, U.S. negotiators steadfastly insisted that the conference was not about more public aid. U.S. negotiators argued that aid had, at best, a mixed record, and that the benefits of international trade revenues now dwarf any conceivable level of public aid.

Opportunity Lost on Aid?

In the three years of planning for the United Nations conference on development held last month in Monterrey, Mexico, U.S. negotiators steadfastly insisted that the conference was not about more public aid. U.S. negotiators argued that aid had, at best, a mixed record, and that the benefits of international trade revenues now dwarf any conceivable level of public aid.

U.S. Cites Nations on Trade Barriers

Associated Press | April 2, 2002 | By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON - Japan, the European Union and China came in for the most criticism by the Bush administration on Tuesday in a report spotlighting trade barriers against U.S. exporters.