
House, Senate Farm Negotiators Struggle with Bill""s Major Issues

Wall Street Journal | April 22, 2002 | By DAVID ROGERS, Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL WASHINGTON -- House and Senate farm-bill negotiators struggled through the weekend against a backdrop of election-year politics, highlighted by President Bush's coming trip to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's home state of South Dakota.

Negotiators struggle with farm bill

WASHINGTON -- House and Senate farm-bill negotiators struggled through the weekend against a backdrop of election-year politics, highlighted by President Bush's coming trip to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's home state of South Dakota.

Hydro One""s Great Giveaway

The Globe and Mail | By Judy Darcy and Brian Payne | April 16, 2002 Ontario's former premier Mike Harris called it the biggest privatization in Canadian history; his successor, Ernie Eves, shows no sign of changing course. But labour unions and environmental groups call it a huge mistake -- and two unions are now in court trying to stop it.