
Beyond Seattle

Published in Seattle & Beyond by the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, Vol. 2, No. 1. The recent World Trade Organization Ministerial talks in Seattle failed largely because the negotiation process was undemocratic.  It was the first time where the developing nations stood fast against the trade agenda of the economic superpowers.

WTO, Agricultural Deregulation and Food Security

Published in Foreign Policy In Focus, Volume 4, Number 34, December 1999. Can deregulated world markets ensure food security for the world? No negotiator of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) could honestly say that this was the first intent of the agreement. Yet, the AoA preamble lists food security as one of the legitimate "non-trade" objectives of agriculture policy.

The Continuing Threat from Trade Negotiations

This article was published in the Dollars and Sense, March/April, Number 222. Providing a brief history of GATT/WTO, the authors then go on to explain the relationship between agriculture and intellectual property rights (Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights or TRIPS) and why the stalled Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) could be resurrected.