
Global Rules to Shape Biofuel Market

The long-term sustainability of the fast-moving global biofuel market will depend on changes to international trade and investment rules that govern energy, environment, agriculture and rural development, according to a new paper published by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) and the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).

Submission Note on the Right to Water to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights sought input from stakeholders in conducting the detailed study on the scope and content of the relevant human rights obligations related to equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation under international human rights instruments. The purpose of the submission is three-fold:

Alternatives to Genetic Modification in Solving Water Scarcity

The theme of the 14th email conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Biotechnology Forum, which took place between March 5 and April 1, 2007, was "Coping with water scarcity in developing countries: What role for agricultural biotechnologies?". The electronic forum on Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture was held on March 29, 2007.

IATP comments on final WTO Hong Kong declaration

Development left behind in WTO agreement in Hong Kong: Deal disguises failure to promote development, help farmers and workers. A watered-down agreement announced late last night by the World Trade Organization (WTO) at the Hong Kong ministerial reflects the struggles of a deeply flawed Doha Round that is far off-track, according to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.