
Food Aid Emergency

The UN and donor countries can make emergency food assistance more effective. Hunger is not inevitable. In the 21st century, the world grows enough food, knows enough about redistributive economics, has the political tools to ensure inclusive decision-making, and can afford to provide the basic needs that protect every person’s right to an adequate, nutritious diet.

A bad deal all round

Last minute talks on global trade policy at the World Trade Organization in Geneva this week came close to agreement - but no cigars were lit. For talks that started in 2001, rich country negotiators lost sight of the fact that the round was supposed to be a "development" round to help lift standards of living among the world's poor.

Comment to FDA on Third Party Certification Programs

IATP submitted this comment to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about Third Party Certification programs in other countries to ensure food safety. We identified problems in both concept and in relation to other food safety programs, particularly in relation to import re-inspection and product testing.