Food safety

A Bitter Tase of Honey

The cosy-sounding world of honey - redolent of toasted crumpets and jars with flowery labels in country shops - has been going through turbulent times. When Northumbrian honey farmer Willie Robson blew the whistle on a fellow beekeeper, Richard Brodie, for potting Argentine honey and passing it off as Scottish borders honey, the court case that resulted last week before

Supachai Backs Indian Farmer

World Trade Organisation director general Supachai Panitchpakdi has said that developed country members have to recognise the sensitivities of developing countries such as India in agriculture if the on-going WTO negotiations are to move forward.

Japan, EU Business Leaders Urge Progress On WTO Doha Talks

European Union and Japanese executives Monday pressed for a new urgency in World Trade Organisation talks on global trade while urging their own governments to promote two-way investment. Forty-nine executives from major companies such as Toyota Motor and Bertelsmann AG called on their governments to work to reach a basic agreement by a July deadline set by the WTO.