Food safety

Farm And Lawn Fertilizers From Minnesota Are Killing Marine Life Downstream In The Gulf Of Mexico

What's good for Minnesota's corn and soybeans can be deadly to crabs and shrimp in Louisiana. A national task force meeting in St. Paul last week heard that fertilizer from farm fields washing down the Mississippi River continues to help create a seasonal "dead zone" that this year extends across 5,800 square miles of the Gulf Coast.

U.S. Not Doing Enough to Fight Mad Cow

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been under fire for its handling of the discovery of mad cow disease on a Washington farm last year, and the agency's ensuing efforts to improve regulations to prevent the disease. One giant problem is that the testing program is voluntary, allowing producers to choose which cattle the USDA will see and test.

Mad Cow 'Firewalls' Just a Smokescreen

It's been seven months since the discovery of a mad cow-infected Holstein in Washington state, time enough for the administration to have developed a comprehensive regulatory response to protect the U.S. beef supply. Indeed, to listen to the rhetoric of Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, you'd think the administration had done just that. In