
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

Canada Warns That Mad Cow Measures Could Backfire

Reuters News Service | By Gilbert Le Gras | June 25, 2003 OTTAWA - Canadian Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief warned export markets yesterday that unnecessary restrictions on Canadian beef arising from fears of mad cow disease could backfire on those countries in terms of general trade.

Activists Say U.S. Manipulating Meet to Promote GM Food

IPS | By Katrin Dauenhauer | June 23, 2003 WASHINGTON, Jun 23 () - Activists have gathered at a California conference this week to counter what they call the U.S. administration's attempts to force-feed genetically engineered (GM) crops on developing countries. They reject Washington's argument that science and technology provide all the answers to fight against hunger.

Joint Statement Between The United States and Brazil on FTAA

USTR | June 20, 2003 The United States and Brazil resolve to create a closer and qualitatively stronger relationship between our two countries. It is time to chart a newly purposeful direction in our relationship, guided by a shared vision of freedom, democracy, peace, prosperity, and well-being for our peoples, in order to promote hemispheric and global cooperation.