
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

A Declaration For A New Direction For American Agriculture And Agricultural Trade

IATP | September 4, 2003 We stand together at the dawn of the 21st century. We stand together as farmers, workers, religious and development organizations, environmentalists and concerned citizens calling for a comprehensive re-examination of the impact of global trade policy on food security, farmers' livelihoods, and local, sustainable food production.

A Truly Scary Free-Trade Treaty

The Bradenton Herald | September 2, 2003 No trade agreement has sounded more laudable than the Free Trade Area of the Americas with its stated goal to provide "free market access to goods and services for the entire continent." Even the North American Free Trade Agreement doesn't quite match its clarion call.

Tariffs, Subsidies, Trade and All That

Public Agenda (Ghana) | August 17, 2003 In this era of globalisation one of the certainties of visiting a developed country like Ghana, is the perceptible western lifestyle one sees on the streets, hotels and even homes. This is made possible by the intrusion of powerful transnational multi-media that bombard homes with the `so-called western virtues.'