
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

Letter to the South American Ministers of Agriculture on CAFTA and U.S. Food Safety

This letter was sent in response to the U.S. demanding that the authorities in these countries recognize all USDA certified meat processing and slaughterhouse establishments as eligible to export to their countries and all U.S. meat hygiene and inspection measures as equivalent to what they already use. And this is in spite of the considerable and on-going food safety issues in the U.S.

Mad Cow and the Agony of the Cattle and Beef Markets

Can a country have "less than two (BSE) cases per million (cattle) during each of the last four consecutive 12 month periods" and still be considered a "minimal risk country" for purposes of international trade and not put public health at risk? This paper takes a hard look at the subject, including how the USDA fits into the equation.  

BSE in Germany - Update Covering 2004

In 2004, 65 cases of BSE were confirmed in Germany, compared to 54 in 2003, and 106 in 2002. Until January 19, 2005, one additional case was confirmed, taking the number of confirmed BSE cases since the first detection of BSE in Germany in November 2000, to a total of 358. In Germany all cattle older than 24 month at slaughter have to be tested for BSE, compared to 30 months in the EU.