IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page.
Statement by the E.C. on the Doha Round setting out their negotiating proposal in the run up to the Hong Kong Ministerial. The proposal was submitted at the Zurich mini-Ministerial, 10 October 2005
A proposal for new agriculture trade rules made today by the U.S. Trade Representative at the World Trade Organization (WTO) includes nothing to benefit developing countries. The proposal contains provisions and escape hatches that would continue a damaging farm policy that hurts family farmers in the U.S.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is scheduled to rule on a highly anticipated case that will directly impact how countries around the world regulate genetically modified (GM) crops and food.
Statement by the Eropean Union to the Trade Negotiations Committee of the WTO presenting the EU position on the Doha negotiations. The statement was presented duting the July General Council, 2005.
Rural Minnesota is well positioned for substantial gains from a growing bioindustrial economy based on the production of energy and products using plant matter, according to a new report by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
Letter submitted to the Minneapolis Star Tribune in response to an article criticizing sugar beet farmers for being concerned about the impact of CAFTA on their livelihoods.
Statment by Jamaica to the Trade Negotiations Committee during the July General Council 2005. The statement outlines Jamaica's position in relation to the WTO Doha Round negotiations in the run up to the 6th Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong, December 2005.
U.S. food aid programs are plagued by inefficiency and are not addressing the long-term causes of hunger and food insecurity in the developing world. This report lays out problems with U.S. food aid and points to needed reforms.