
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

E.U. Member-States Memo to the European Commission, March 2006

Memo to the E.C. from E.U. Member-States for a mini-Ministerial in London 10-12 March. The Memo states that "all room for manouevre is exhausted" in relation to further E.U. concessions particularly on agriculture market access and domestic support. The Memo calls for further concessions, particularly from developing countries, on NAMA and services.

Ten Ways to Fix Agricultural Trade

Excerpted from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. The WTO Agreement on Agriculture has failed rural communities around the world. Its successor, now under negotiation, is set to perpetuate the failure. The following proposals are a basis for a new agricultural trade system.

Ten Ways to Fix Agricultural Trade

Excerpted from Sailing Close to the Wind: Navigating the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial. The WTO Agreement on Agriculture has failed rural communities around the world. Its successor, now under negotiation, is set to perpetuate the failure. The following proposals are a basis for a new agricultural trade system.