Publication archives

Josh talks with Steve Suppan about how the aid, intended for farmers to ease the pain that was inflicted due to the trade war with China, is, in fact, likely ending up in the coffers of a Chinese owned corporation, Smithfield, and other ways in which the giant hog corporation is pushing its costs onto tax payers. 
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Josh talks with IATP Intern, Kelly Kramer, about OSHA's failure to adequately address heat related death and injury in the agricultural sector, especially in the face of global warming.   
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Shefali Sharma
IATP, along with 26 other organizations, launched a major report this week on how land-based sectors, such as agriculture and forestry, can deliver a pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5˚C.
Calf courtesy CLARA
The text of NAFTA 2.0, or the US Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) was released at the end of September. IATP has done a thorough analysis of what the new agreement means for farming and food.
Corn pile
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Download a PDF of the fact sheet. Lee la traducción al español. (Read the Spanish translation.)
Sharon Anglin Treat
Download a PDF of the fact sheet. | Lee la traducción al español. (Read the Spanish translation.)
Dr. Steve Suppan
Download a PDF of the fact sheet. | Lee la traducción al español. (Read the Spanish translation.)
Ben Lilliston
Farmers and rural communities are now routinely hit with extreme weather events in this new age of climate change. As governments at the national, state and local level grapple with these challenges and costs, they should consider the financial responsibility of corporations who have knowingly increased our climate risk.
North Carolina CAFO