Publication archives

Josh talks with IATP collaborator and sustainable agriculture consultant, Doug Gurian-Sherman, about agroecology in the context of the UNFCCC report, and the CLARA report, which he was a contributing author on, and how agroecology is not just necessary for our climate but in providing sustainable livelihoods for farmers around the world. 
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Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Descarga un PDF de la hoja informativa. | Read the English version. (Descarga la versión en inglés.
Sharon Anglin Treat
Descarga un PDF de la hoja informativa. | Read the English version. (Descarga la versión en inglés.)
Final report combining recommendations from the December 2017 and February 2018 "Our Energy Future" events hosted in Morris, MN.
As the role of technology increases in farming and food, and corporate powers use this to extend their power, we need to strive for technological developments that are appropriate for farmers, for eaters and for the planet. Welcome to #AgTechTakeback.
Technical sovereignty
Listen to a special podcast of Pakou Hang of HAFA, and IATP's Erin McKee talking about the forum and local food work in Minnesota:
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Es überrascht mich zutiefst, dass es heute in unserer Gesellschaft immer noch Menschen gibt, die einen Klimawandel verursacht durch menschliche Einflüsse leugnen. Vermutlich haben diese Menschen nicht viel mit Landwirtschaft am Hut, denn in unserer westlichen Welt sind es nun einmal Bäuerinnen und Bauern, die den Klimawandel als Erste zu Spüren bekommen.
Emissions Impossible
Ben Lilliston
“We harness the sun to grow our food and feed our families, but we’re wasting the sun’s potential to power our homes, schools and businesses with clean solar energy,”
Arizona State Solar Garden