Publication archives

Katie Costello
Erin McKee VanSlooten
Download the PDF of the case study. 
Tri-County Head Start rainbow activity
Erin McKee VanSlooten
Katie Costello
Download a PDF of the case study.
Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties on a HAFA field trip
Katie Costello
For nearly a decade, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has been engaged in Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) initiatives, helping connect young children with locally grown foods while fostering an awareness of the importance of healthy food for children, families, farmers and communities.
IATP Farm to Head Start program
Dr. Steve Suppan
The United States and China continue to circle around a deadline that could mark a turning point in their commercial and diplomatic relations.
Trump and Xi
Josh talks with Sharon Treat about her recent article exposing another backdoor to deregulation, the Regulatory Cooperation Council, that exists through NAFTA and is being used by corporate livestock lobbyists to undermine food safety and consumers right to know.
Uprooted logo
Josh talks with Steve Suppan about some of the bigger picture issues surrounding the US-China trade dispute and how they might be informing talks that are headed toward a March 1 deadline. 
Uprooted logo
Sharon Anglin Treat
Little-known council linked to NAFTA subverts public safety to free trade Download the PDF
FDA food inspection
Tara Ritter
At the 2016 Rural Climate Dialogues State Convening, IATP and the Jefferson Center gathered residents from three rural Minnesotan counties and staff from ten state
Greetings from Minnesota