Publication archives

Sophie Scherger
On November 30, the European Commission will publish its legislative proposal for carbon removals, known as the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF).
Soil Health
Sophie Scherger
“Carbon farming” has become a new buzzword in recent climate debates, and the European Commission is promoting carbon farming as a key solution in the upcoming European Union (EU) Carbon Removal Certification Framework.
image of smokestack
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
First published by The Hill on November 3, 2022. 
Corn field harvest
Dr. Steve Suppan
As delegates to the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) debated how to implement decisions taken at the COP26, U.N.
U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres at podium at COP27
Ben Lilliston
Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) urged action on reducing the potent greenhouse gas methane to slow the climate crisis.
Dairy farm producing biogas digesters
This report for the first time estimates the methane emissions of five of the largest meat corporations and ten of the largest dairy corporations. Their combined methane emissions are roughly 12.8 million tonnes, which equates to over 80% of the European Union’s entire methane footprint.
Emissions Impossible Report Cover
Lilly Richard
Ahead of IATP's final days at COP27, hear from Shefali Sharma on progress at the conference and the struggle to hold governing bodies accountable.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
Ben Lilliston
On Saturday, the United States government will host an event at the global climate meeting in Egypt called the Global Fertilizer Challenge. The price of synthetic fertilizer, a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, has spiked this year connected to the war in Ukraine.
Nitrogen spreading on a field