Publication archives

Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The turmoil that has marked the last few years of pandemic and war and the consequent shocks to people’s lives and livelihoods require new approaches to agriculture that plan for disruptions and build in resilience.
Tractor spraying a monocrop soybean field
Dr. Steve Suppan
In March 2021, when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released questions on climate-related financial disclosures for public input, it received
Carbon Markets: Reducing Carbon Emissions or Missing the Mark?
Lilly Richard
Our industrialized food and farming systems are both driving the climate crisis and threatened by it. How did we get here? This episode introduces listeners to that struggle and its climate justice implications in the lead-up to the UNFCCC's 27th annual global climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, COP27.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
Shiney Varghese
On Monday, October 10, United Nations Members States, representatives of civil society, the private sector, researchers and governments gathered in Rome for the 50th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).
CFS 50
Cecelia Brackey
In the past few months, extreme weather events — from record-breaking heat waves and droughts to hurricanes and floods — have hammered nearly every corner of the globe, making the catastrophic impacts of climate change all too tangible.
Drought in Mongolia
Lilly Richard
Our industrialized food and farming systems are both driving the climate crisis and threatened by it. The upcoming United Nations global climate conference, COP27, is a chance to shine a light on these connections and push for real solutions. In this four-part podcast series, hear from policy experts at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy on the nexus of agriculture and climate change, what we expect to see happen at COP27 and what must be done to create more resilient food systems in the face of a heating planet.
Uprooted Podcast: Talking COP27
On September 29, IATP hosted an in-person two-part panel discussion with international experts on what causes food shocks, and how we can protect and promote healthy food systems the world over.
Panel participants on stage
Erin McKee VanSlooten
Nora Shields-Cutler
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) has supported Farm to School and Farm to Early Care efforts in Minnesota for over a decade and for much of this time has partnered with the Hmong American Farmers Association (HAFA).
Image of childcare provider with plates of food next to image of adult showing fresh produce to a group of children.