Publication archives

There is a lot to talk about following last Friday’s release of Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow’s draft Farm Bill, but hardly any time to talk about it. The bill is scheduled for mark-up tomorrow. Yes, that’s April 25. After the full mark-up, the Committee bill will move to the Senate floor for debate, probably sometime in May.
Doreen Stabinsky
Climate change will have significant impacts on world food security in our lifetimes. Indeed, we have already begun to feel the impacts from extreme events—droughts, heat waves, torrential rains leading to floods, with consequent impacts on crop production in Russia, Texas and the U.S. Midwest, Pakistan, Thailand, to name a few recent high-profile locations.
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Global diets are increasingly facing the dual challenge of undernourishment and obesity. UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, has released a new report calling for a reassessment of unhealthy food systems in both rich and poor countries. Both are increasingly characterized by an abundance of low nutrition, high calorie, processed foods.
Exporting Obesity? The Link Between Trade, Diet and Health
This blog post was originally published April 17 by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR).
Dr. Steve Suppan
You might think that the devastating impacts of commodity price volatility on global hunger would require policy debates in multiple international organizations.
Dale Wiehoff
In January of 1969 the Santa Barbara Channel was the site of an oil well blowout that still ranks today as the third-largest oil spill in U.S. waters, after the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico and the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound.
Malik Yakini talks about self-determination and food sovereignty and how they can create food and economic security for Black Americans in Detroit and beyond. Check out his latest project, Be Black and Green.